SiFTI: Success in the Film & Television Industries

What characterizes the production and marketing processes behind films and television programmes that can be described as successful in regard to critical acclaim or box-office results, or both? What innovative measures do private film and television companies take to stay ahead of competitors? What are the most important drivers for achieving success in the private film and television sector, and what obstacles need to be overcome?

Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, this project set out to improve the competitiveness of the private film and television industries in Norway and to increase our understanding of how this sector operates. This project focused on the recent situation in Norway, investigating production cultures in private film and television companies, but in order to establish critical vantage points, the project included both historical and cross-national comparative dimensions. The former examined what caused the growth and demise of prominent private film companies in Norway during selected historical periods. The latter investigated successful film and television companies in present-day Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK.

Additional project aims were to
a. Investigate the importance of new media to the private film- and television sector in Norway
b. Explore the advantages and disadvantages by being a film and telecommunications situated in the regions.
c. Provide critical vantage points to the current situation in Norway by investigating successful companies in present-day Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK and by studying what caused the growth and demise of prominent Norwegian film companies during selected historical periods.

Download the conclusion from Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses (Bakoy, E., Pujik, R., & Spicer, A. 2017).