The Documentary Film Council

The Documentary Film Council (DFC) is a new national body for UK documentary film. Funded by the AHRC and co-created by UWE Bristol researchers and stakeholders across the documentary sector, the DFC is designed to provide a new democratic organisational infrastructure for the sector. This work stems from the previous AHRC-funded UK Feature Docs project (2018-2021), a cultural history project that also included a future-focused work package based on policy development. 

The aims of the DFC are threefold: 1) to facilitate transparent and democratic communication between different stakeholder groups across the nations and regions of the UK; 2) to support coordinated action on key issues facing UK documentary; and 3) to represent the interests of the UK’s documentary community in the wider screen industries at home and abroad.

The project is under development between October 2022 and September 2023, using AHRC Follow-On Funds for Impact and Engagement to help establish the DFC and secure its future.